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Blending Tobaccos

Please note- Most of our bulk blending tobaccos come from Cornell & Diehl. They ship them to us fairly 'dry', except for Perique which is very much on the 'wet' side. We do not alter the tobaccos from the way C&D ships them.
Displaying products 1 - 12 of 12 results
C&D- Burley Ribbon Cut
Your Price: From $13.20 to $46.75
C&D- Burley Ribbon Cut
C&D- Chopped Cigar Leaf
Your Price: From $13.20 to $46.75
C&D- Chopped Cigar Leaf
C&D- Cube Cut Burley
Your Price: From $13.20 to $53.15
C&D- Cube Cut Burley
C&D- Dark Burley
Your Price: From $13.20 to $36.40
C&D- Dark Burley
C&D- Dark Fired Kentucky
Your Price: From $13.20 to $53.15
C&D- Dark Fired Kentucky
C&D- Granulated Perique
Your Price: $13.20
C&D- Granulated Perique
2 or 16 ounces
C&D- Izmir Turkish
Your Price: From $13.20 to $36.40
C&D- Izmir Turkish
C&D- Latakia
Your Price: From $13.20 to $74.40
C&D- Latakia
2, 8 or 16 ounces
C&D- Red Virginia Ribbon
Your Price: From $13.20 to $36.40
C&D- Red Virginia Ribbon
McConnell- Pure Latakia
Your Price: $12.40
McConnell- Pure Latakia
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