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DAN- Bill Bailey's Balkan Blend

Your Price: From $15.10 to $68.30

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This tobacco blend brings back very nostalgic memories. The pipe smoker who misses the type of strong, full bodied flavor of Latakia blends that dissappeared from tobacconists' shelves will be pleasantly surprised by this blend. This mixture combines the best Virginia grades with various Oriental tobaccos, 10% dark fired Kentucky leaf and over 40% Latakia. A pinch of perique is added to fully round out the flavor in this "old style" classic. It is cool burning and full strength.

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Balkan Sobraine Redux
Albert Thompson (North Mankato, MN) 3/8/2009 7:10 AM
This is the closest I have found to Balkan Sobraine, my all time favorite tobacco. The aroma is wonderful rich, diverse and full. A pipe of this after a hectic day eases me into a time of reflection. Thanks to Mars fro making this available.
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Great Deal! Price per Single cigar